Anderson County Mental Health Court

“Rehabilitating, while restoring mental health to offenders to help them lead safer, more productive lives.” 

What Mental Health Court Accomplishes

Increases access to and coordination with mental health and substance abuse services.

Increases consistency of services by providers.

Increases accountability for participants.

Increases the likelihood offenders with a persistent mental health issue will receive appropriate treatment and not continue in a revolving door with the criminal justice system.

Increases the opportunity for participants to receive other support services in the community to lead a more productive life.

Program Requirements

The Solicitor’s Office will review all referrals to the Mental Health Court. The Solicitor’s Office has the final authority to accept or deny application to the program. The Mental Health Treatment Court Judge has the final authority on all applicants admitted to the program. Participants will enter the program on a voluntary basis, once they have been deemed legally and clinically appropriate. The program is divided into three phases and lasts on average for a period of 12 months.  Advancement through the treatment program will depend on a participant’s progress. Each participant will be provided an individualized treatment plan and must adhere to weekly Court appearances and other requirements such as random drug screens and treatment with a mental health provider. If other supportive services are needed, referrals will be made to community providers.


Intensive case management and supervision is provided to the participant based on an individualized treatment plan. As treatment progresses, the participant will move through the phases of the treatment program and will have fewer Court appearances.


The Mental Health Court treatment team will be comprised of the Solicitor or Assistant Solicitor, the Mental Health Court Coordinator, the Mental Health Court Clinician, and the Circuit Court Judge. They will meet weekly to staff cases before Court and assess progress of the participant.


Once accepted, the participant must:

              Attend all Court hearings and all other appointments required by their treatment plan.

              Commit no criminal law violations and possess no dangerous weapons.

              Report any contact with law enforcement to the MHC Coordinator within 48 hours.

              Take all mental health medication as prescribed.

              Attend all counseling, therapy, and support groups as ordered.

              Submit to random drug screens as ordered.

              Comply with all other assigned treatment program requirements.

              Sign all necessary releases of information for MHC with any treatment providers.

Exclusions include:

No past history of violent charges, including sexual assault and stalking.

No prior history involving a minor victim.

No offenders who are on probation for a violent offense.

No participant with pending felony charges in Anderson County or before any other Court.

In cases of co-occurring mental illness disorder and substance use disorder, the mental illness disorder must be primary.

Additional exclusions may include organic psychosis, developmental disorders, and substance induced psychosis.


***The information shown above is for information purposes only. All referrals will be evaluated by the Anderson County Mental Health Court team. If the applicant is accepted, all rules and requirements will be given to them at the appropriate time. ***

Anderson County Mental Health Court Referral Form